The Simulator Centre of the State Flight Academy
of Ukraine is aimed to provide the ATC personnel high level training.
The simulator training is an integral and compulsory part of ATCO
study process.

The development of the tasks and exercises for simulator training
and their following implementation into practice is realized
by the Methodical Unit. The experienced specialists in methodical
and computer provision design the ATC area and situations in
with the training program. The Methodical Unit co-operates closely
with ATC and Foreign Languages Training Departments on the points
of implementation of ICAO Rules and Procedures into practical
training programs.
40% of the simulator training is carried out
using English aviation phraseology; therefore, the instructors
of Foreign Languages Training Department conduct
the Aviation English lessons for ATC simulator instructors.
The ATC Simulator Centre operates in compliance
with the "Rules of English
Language Radio Communication" and ICAO Doc. 9432.
The simulator training programs are updated regularly
as new documents, regulations and recommendations become available,
to improve the training
quality achieve
the high level of ATCO professional reliability in normal and abnormal
Director of ATC SC - L. Tarasenko
Tel: (0522) 29-47-29
Email :