The Scientific and Technical Library of the State flight Academy
of Ukraine is one of the richest libraries among the aviation education
establishments in Ukraine.
It consists of the Training Department, Scientific Department,
Flight and Technical Department and Belles-Lettres' Department.
The Training Department provides the students
with the manuals, textbooks,
and technical materials in all training subjects.
The Scientific Department contains the faculties materials, the works of Academy
instructors and teaching staff.The Flight and Technical Department keeps the
documents that regulate the flight work (ICAO, IATA, Ukrainian
aviation, flight
manuals for all aircraft types).
The Belles-Lettres' Department has the works of the national
and foreign classics, modern writers and literary magazines.
Most of the books in the Library are of aviation subject.
It contains more than 300000 editions in Russian, Ukrainian
and foreign languages.
Information Days, Exhibitions and other education and
entertainment activities regularly take place there
Director of STL - N. Kovaleva
Tel: (0522) 29-45-02, 29-47-67, 29-47-37
Email :